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Bunya Love, Ink on paper, 120 x 63 x 4 cm. 2018. Flying Arts Queensland Regional Art Award finalist in 'Wanderlust' 2018 toured Queensland 2019. (SOLD) Photo: Julie Pratt

'TREE PLACE' Exhibition - Noosa Regional Gallery 7 December 2017 - 27 January 2018.
With this series of work, I observed the young bunyas on my property, working en plein air, and after a bumper bunya crop, I had ample resources to look closely at this amazing plant. 

The core or shaft of the bunya shows the link to the fibinacci, like the pineapple, monsterio delicio and cycads, with its repeating spiral pattern. This may be the simplest and most economical way to maximize seed arrangement, as the Bunya pod can hold about 90 seeds. It has a profound sensual beauty in its earth erotica, as with the decomposing seeds showing a certain fecundity.

They show their unusual tuber-forming habit, which can take from 3-6 months to germinate and up to 1 year to take root. This unusual cryptogeal seed germination allows the root to form an underground tuber from which the aerial shoot later emerges as a strategy to allow the seedlings to emerge under optimum climatic conditions or, it has been suggested, to avoid fire.

Core Specimen Group, Watercolour, 70.5 cm x  50 cm. 2018.  Photo: Julie Pratt

Core Specimen, Mangrove ink and pen and ink, 25 cm x  23.5 cm. 2018.  Photo: Julie Pratt

Young Bunya I, Mangrove ink and pen and ink, 165 cm x  14 cm. 2018.  Photo: Julie Pratt

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